Partnering with Parents Consults are for...

Caregivers of children (parents, grandparents, teachers, foster parents) concerned about their child’s development 

  • Is my child behind in their milestones? Is my child in need of intervention therapy? Should I act now or wait-and-see?
  • My child is showing concerning behaviors or chronic health issues that my support team is dismissing, minimizing, or denying. Should I be concerned? What are my options?
  • I want resources to help me learn more about the concerns I have or treatment options.
  • Are my child’s developmental and health symptoms connected? Is there something I can do to improve both developmental and general health needs?
  • Do I know the Least Invasive to Most Invasive hierarchy to safely choose treatment options?

Parents preparing to conceive or pregnant

  • Are there evidence-based things I can do to prepare my body to conceive?
  • How can I Stack My Odds to manage risk of Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders, Torticollis, etc?
  • What professionals and resources are available to support my pregnancy, birth, and postpartum needs in relationship to optimizing baby’s health and development?
  • What are my options if things do not go according to my labor and delivery plans in regards to supporting baby’s development?
  • What  resources are available to me to help me achieve successful breastfeeding?
  • Do I know my hierarchy of Least Invasive to Most Invasive options and interventions?


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